Saturday, January 1, 2011

2010 stalking work haha

ok now mm stalking time eheh..

 all this happened to me in 2010

meet Super Junior Live in Malaysia
but i literally follow them everywhere i go haha

i follow them from the moment they step in KLIA till they step again at KLIA..
my stalking team at that time :P
i hardly take photo well mostly video here some of it..

this part eeteuk kills me huh !!
sorry to heenim n wookie fan..but this time i really grab their arm one by one lol..

it great to see them live infront of my freaking eyes each one of them
thank god for making it real to me :)


then i got to meet
B2ST Live in Malaysia
im not a big fan of them but dongwoon who catch my attention but soon leader doojoon take over since i saw him so many times in da reality show which makes me forget dongwoon..*mian* hehe
BUT after meeting them live
OMG dongwoon wins my heart hehe..
i got 2 signed album from them :) and dat is my silly fansign that cought dongwoon&doojoon attention eheh
this really KILLS me DONGWOON..its ok da other half HEART is wif me :)

say what you want i know he notice me huh  :P
theres more u can go here..B2ST SHOCK OF THE NEW ERA 2010


then i got to meet Brian Joo
not much of a photo either since i take video and im lazy enough to upload it hehe..
lil bit from me..
that his album with signed :)


after suju b2st brian..i meet U-kiss..
one of the member :) kiseop

after meeting u-kiss the moment i been waiting for !!!

meeting wif me one and only LOVE Kim Jaejoong...
early morning i get up just to get to the tix vanue asap !! and after quing for like 4hours there you go finally at the counter hehe
ther you go our tix worth for RM 30,000 ok heeh :)
imagine i hold dat much of cash in my hand alone that time T_T scary..

showcase day...
early morning we wait for JYJ at KLIA to greet them :)
there you go the one that i been cwazee for a looong time finally get to see him again !!! 
after greet them at KLIA we follow right behind them of to the showcase vanue
at showcase vanue while waiting for it to the mean time meet my firends even meet Jaejoong Look a like eheh..  then we que but while quing thanks to my height at that able to sneake peak their rehearsal and guess what of coz i saw jaejoong first hehe...then we enter the vanue straight to da VIP section since im a VIP tix holder :P patiently wait for is to start the moment it start i cant really tell or story here haha it take days to finish it im not evn god in writing a there some of snapshots from my fancam.....after the showcase of the Hotel for phto session with JYJ

can u spot me in the pic ??? heheh i let u do da job...
*i dont want to story what is da real deal behind this pic so let it go haah*

after photo session im off straight to KLIA to send them back to SEOUL...
that night..
here i got to touched his hands..its enoug for me..dont want to ask more..
not to forget my own JYJ The Beginning limited edition album :)

17102010 JYJ in MALAYSIA A waited long journey finally has come..

*Ticket Pre-Sale
Fahrenheit 88

* Pavilion
* Time Square

17102010 ( welcoming JYJ )

* stadium Negara ( The Beginning Showcase )

* Doubletree by Hilton Hotel
17102010 ( Photography session )

* KLIA (again)
17102010 (hard to say goodbye T_T )

i cant belived that i actually get to see JYJ upclose when they are exiting the arrival door at the KLIA...thou the security was sucks...still i manage to be really close with Jaejoong especially...
How can be a person be SO fair !! yess Im talking bout KIM JAEJOONG ! He is SO flawless !! his skins are soo milky and da way he walk was sooo cool !! but dont forget Junsu and Yoochun behind him there are HOT to is just im more focus on Jaejoong heeh...
i will never ever forget the way Jaejoong looking at me and try to say thanks n sorry at the same time... * lucky that im tall and becouse of that i was be able to cought their attention a bit easy :P *

for more photo of my journey meeting JYJ u can go here...
i only upload pictures and snap shots from my fancam..i didnt upload my fancam :P

fewhh i think there goes my stalking job for 2010.....
thank GOD for making my dream come true.
thank to those who help and support me in order to stalk them speshyl JYJ hahaha
mission accomplished :)

♥ i ♥ what i ♥ 

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